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How to Safely Celebrate Halloween
30 Oct

How to Safely Celebrate Halloween

Halloween is almost here, and amidst rising COVID-19 cases, it is essential to stay safe this Halloween to avoid any scary repercussions! Therefore, all of us at Strellis and Field have complied some recommendations and celebration ideas to make your Halloween fun and safe. As always, remember to frequently wash your hands, refrain from touching your face, stay socially distant from others, and if you are unable to wear a mask. Try incorporating a mask into your Halloween costume! 
Halloween at Home
A safe way to celebrate Halloween is by staying in with your household members and decorating your house into a haunted house. Carving pumpkins is also a fun at-home activity that limits your exposure to COVID-19. You could even carve pumpkins with neighbors or friends outside while maintaining a safe six-foot distance away from others. While carving pumpkins, make sure an adult supervises and manages all of the sharp tools used for carving. Children can draw the design they want and have an adult safely cut out the design for them. After you have scooped out the insides of your pumpkins, save the seeds so you can roast them and turn them into a tasty snack! You can easily cook Pumpkin seeds in the oven, an air fryer, or a microwave. If you prefer sweet treats, try baking pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, or pumpkin cookies with your family at home! It is also recommended to use battery-operated lights inside of your pumpkins instead of candles. If you want your pumpkin to glow ghoulish colors, try using glow sticks!
The City of Chicago has provided guidance on how to trick-or-treat safely. According to the City, trick-or-treating groups be limited to six or fewer people and that trick-or-treaters stay on the move without congregating together. The City also recommends that people should still socially distance themselves while passing out candy. A way to safely do this is by using a tube or pipe to drop candy into trick-or-treaters’ bags from a safe distance. All people handing out candy should frequently wash and disinfect their hands before passing out any candy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends setting up an outdoor station with individually bagged treats for trick-or-treaters to take.
Outdoor Halloween Activities
In addition to trick-or-treating, a safe way to show off your Halloween costume to others is with a socially distant costume parade and contest in your neighborhood. Remember that costume masks are not to be worn over a regular face covering as this could make breathing difficult. Furthermore, you can go to an outdoor pumpkin patch to pick up a pumpkin for your carving as long as you stay safely six feet away from others!
It is no trick that Halloween will be a lot different this year, as were most holidays in 2020. However, there are fun alternatives to celebrate safely and still have some Halloween treats. All of us at Strellis and Field hope these tips keep you and your loved ones safe during Halloweekend! 

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